Current track



Current show

The Positive Journey

8:00 pm 10:00 pm

Upcoming show

Saturday Night Rewind

10:00 pm 12:00 am



Author: KNRadio

Page: 4

Nationwide — Shelly-Ann Fraser-Pryce, a Jamaican sprinter, has been named the fastest woman in the world after her recent victory in the 100-meter final at the World Championships in Doha, Qatar. At the age of 32, she has also made history as the oldest woman to ever win the title. Fraser-Pryce sprinted pass her contenders and […]

Inflammation and a buildup of mucus in the chest can cause unpleasant symptoms like wheezing, sleep difficulties, and a sore throat. Congestion is also often accompanied by a cough that brings up phlegm. Some mucus in the chest is normal, and having excess mucus from occasionally is usually not a cause for concern. However, if […]

Our body’s production of mucus is actually meant to keep us healthy as it serves as a sort of sticky tape that collects dust, bacteria, and other potentially harmful airborne particles so our body can get rid of these things more easily before they have a chance to settle into our lungs. However, if you […]

If you’ve been paying attention to the news lately, you’ve undoubtedly seen the constant barrage of stories covering the collective societal frustration with the endemic racism that has plagued this country for centuries. Aside from highlighting the protests of social injustice around the country and the world, these stories have also shown frightening interactions between […]

Are you ready for a taste of the least controversial method of consuming cannabis ever? Try a tincture. “Why would I want to do that,” you ask? Because tinctures have been described as the most underrated of all the pot products. They’re described as such because there aren’t as many fun — and potentially punishable […]

To make a tincture, you need only a few ingredients: an herb, a menstruum and a container with airtight top. Optionally you might want a three beam scale and a glass measuring cup. Some herbalists like to have all kinds of fancy stuff, like beakers, industrial grinders and tiny funnels (very nice to have). I […]

This year an intriguing discovery was made. Apparently, we humans can absorb herbal energy from plants. This theory has been in the works for a long time by the ones who practice alternative medicine, but now this theory is supported by facts. This is also proof of the phenomenon that humans can share energy with […]

A 79-year-old retired officer of the CIA, Bill Oxley, has made a series of stunning confessions since he was admitted to the Mercy Hospital in Maine on Monday and told he has weeks to live. He claims he committed 17 assassinations for the American government between 1974 and 1985, including the music icon Bob Marley. […]

Did black pussy birth all human beings on this planet, yes or no? Is the universe a black pussy, yes or no?  if you answered yes to both of those questions, why would you disagree that black pussy can heal broken men? Ok, so I’m sure you’ve been exhausted in the past from black men, […]

If you’re satisfied with what you hear on modern day radio, then these few words are not for you. What happened to when R&B muzik meant a well crafted muzik piece that you could feel the love or a complaint that someone wasn’t getting enough love like in Teddy Riley’s “Him Or Me” When the […]